Jonah Hill Feldstein (born December 20, 1983) is an American actor, producer, screenwriter, and comedian.
Hill ranked 28th on Forbes magazine's ranking of world's highest paid actors from June 2014 to June 2015, bringing in $16 million. As a screenwriter, he contributed to the stories of 21 Jump Street, 22 Jump Street, Sausage Party and Why Him? (2016). Hill will make his directorial debut from a screenplay he wrote, titled Mid-90s.
Net Worth:
Jonah Hill Net Worth: $100 Million
Jonah Hill's Income / Salary:
Per Year: $20 Million
Per Month: $2 Million
Per Week: $500,000
Per Day: | Per Hour: | Per Minute: | Per Second: |
$70,000 | $3,000 | $50 | $1.00 |
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