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Mercury Retrograde Is Moving Into Cancer, Which Means Your Horoscopes Are About to Change

Mercury retrograde is here once again, gracing us with its Big Personality™ from July 7 to the 31—and this time, it’s in Cancer. To be clear, Mercury retrograde never actually left. But on July 2019, it’s moving into a new planet—and your Mercury retrograde in Cancer horoscopes are going to look categorically different from your Mercury retrograde in Leo horoscopes (that’s where the planet just was).

Because of planetary placement, astrology dictates that a Mercury retrograde in Cancer will largely affect the areas of language and expression—especially mundane, everyday language and expression. Have you ever forgotten the word for “fork,” and tried to explain what you meant? “The spoon with the pointy things on the end used for poking.” Yeah. Prepare for the most tedious game of charades of your life. Because Mercury affects communication, it doesn’t matter how articulate you typically are. Be patient with yourself, and don’t be afraid to re-read text messages and emails for clarification before sending.

In addition to communication, Mercury retrograde in Cancer will also affect all signs emotionally (shocker), increasing our sensitivity to others. This is, of course, a double whammy, given that communication is also affected. Focus on using gentle words, (such as ‘maybe consider’… instead of ‘you should’…, etc.) and try not to pass judgment or internalize others’ words to you immediately. Space is important when building emotional intimacy with friends and partners. (They should teach you that in school instead of the quadratic formula.)

Because Cancers prize home and value domestic pursuits, these realms can also get tricky come retrogrades. Try not to control your home environment too much, and instead, focus on how to make it a safe and relaxing place for yourself. Also, avoid any large renovations or agreements during this time.

But let’s step back and take a look at the bigger picture. We experience Mercury retrograde approximately 3-4 times a year, each one lasting about three weeks. Our inclination is often to panic, or blame everything on this celestial event. But really, Mercury retrograde is a chance to look at things through another lens. It’s a time to demonstrate our personal growth, and ask ourselves compassionately whether or not we are living hand-in-hand with what we value and love. We all can make a choice: Will we rail against what is, or adapt around it?

Here’s how Mercury retrograde in Cancer will affect each sign:

STYLECASTER | Mercury Retrograde Is Moving Into Cancer, Which Means Your Horoscopes Are About to Change

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Aries –

Pay attention to balance this retrograde. Where do you go (emotionally and physically) when you’re stressed? Do you avoid friends, drop workouts, spend excessive money on entertainment, stop doing the things you love, etc.? Typically, when things go awry, our mental and physical health are the first things to go. This retrograde, practice self-care and make everything else fit around the things you need in order to live sustainably at your best.

STYLECASTER | Mercury Retrograde Is Moving Into Cancer, Which Means Your Horoscopes Are About to Change

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Taurus –

This is a hard one, Taurus. We hear all the time that we can’t change people, not really. They have to want to change themselves for anything lasting to be done. Remember to love people exactly as they are—including yourself. This might mean limiting exposure to certain people, or setting firm boundaries around what you will and won’t accept. But, you can’t force someone to change—even if it would make them happier. Love everyone as they are, or move on.

STYLECASTER | Mercury Retrograde Is Moving Into Cancer, Which Means Your Horoscopes Are About to Change

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Gemini –

Issues with communication are hard for you, Gemini. As someone who values words and connection, retrogrades can really do a number on you. This retrograde, focus on not overcommitting. Yes, a dinner date every night of the week sounds fun—but in reality, even for your fun-loving and sociable nature—it’s exhausting. Living in the two extremes of extremely busy and crushing burn-out aren’t healthy, and the mental exhaustion can leave you feeling more selfish and unfulfilled. So say no more. People will still love you.

STYLECASTER | Mercury Retrograde Is Moving Into Cancer, Which Means Your Horoscopes Are About to Change

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Cancer –

Incorporate more movement into your life, sweet Cancer. While your mind is often doing mental gymnastics, your body craves that same exercise and challenge. Join a gym, take yoga classes or even pick up kick-boxing. The important thing to do is to find a form of exercise or movement that you love. If you hate running, that means you’ll spend so much extra time resisting it, or finding ways to avoid it. Walk your dog instead. It doesn’t have to be XXXtreme to matter. Exercise is hugely mental. You deserve to look forward to this type of self-care.

STYLECASTER | Mercury Retrograde Is Moving Into Cancer, Which Means Your Horoscopes Are About to Change

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Leo –

Consider taking up journaling this retrograde, Leo. This retrograde will have you in your feels more than usual, and existing in a conflicted mental state is hard for you. You want to go and do! Your extroverted nature doesn’t find joy in navel-gazing, or avoiding people. So, journal. Record your thoughts, and recognize thought patterns. That’s all. Nothing crazy. Journaling doesn’t have to be formal, or over-the-top. Just a way of consistently recording your thoughts. If this seems like total bunk—maybe try a mood-tracking app instead?

STYLECASTER | Mercury Retrograde Is Moving Into Cancer, Which Means Your Horoscopes Are About to Change

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Virgo –

Your tendency to worry during Mercury retrograde has led to thought spirals in the past, but that doesn’t mean it will now. Spend time appreciating the small sensations of everyday life—the way your cat stretches on the windowsill, or your first big stretch of the day. Take a deep breath and appreciate a nice breeze coming through the window, or the way your best friends laugh sounds. Look at an old picture that reminds you of summers when you were little, and think to yourself ‘this is just the beginning.’

STYLECASTER | Mercury Retrograde Is Moving Into Cancer, Which Means Your Horoscopes Are About to Change

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Libra –

You know your strengths, Libra. Relationships are hugely important to you, and having open lines of communication are crucial to keep you happy and thriving. This retrograde, spend time with family or close friends, and don’t be afraid to dive below the surface. Yes, communication is tricky—but not impossible. Make an effort to ask them questions that deepen your relationship: “what do you think about…” “what’s been on your mind lately?…” etc. So often we get stuck on surface-level shit. Good relationships are a give and take, and help us grow from love, not judgment.

STYLECASTER | Mercury Retrograde Is Moving Into Cancer, Which Means Your Horoscopes Are About to Change

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Scorpio –

Your flame is burning as brightly as ever, Scorpio. If anything, this retrograde will fuel and challenge you to align your intentions with your actions. If you want to do better in school—get out the books. Engage in behaviors that support that goal (studying, eating right, sleeping, not starting a mini-revolution in your Econ class when your professor is a jerk, etc.). It sounds way easier than it is, but with your intensity and drive, anything is possible.

STYLECASTER | Mercury Retrograde Is Moving Into Cancer, Which Means Your Horoscopes Are About to Change

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Sagittarius –

Of all the signs, you love most to be on the go. Mercury retrograde affects travel just as much as communication, but this is where trust comes in. Trust in yourself, in believing in others, and that the universe will always give you what you need—though it’s not always what you want. Lean into your best traits this retrograde—your intelligence and optimism, and know that it is enough to keep you from being careless and impulsive. The answers are exactly where they need to be.

STYLECASTER | Mercury Retrograde Is Moving Into Cancer, Which Means Your Horoscopes Are About to Change

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Capricorn –

Progress toward your goals may (appear) to come to a grinding halt, but that doesn’t mean that the universe/source isn’t working behind the scenes on your behalf. Sometimes, growth is doing nothing. Surrendering to what is, and not punishing yourself to reach arbitrary goals is something that you will need to learn over and over. Your work does not determine your value. It’s OK to exist without demonstration.

STYLECASTER | Mercury Retrograde Is Moving Into Cancer, Which Means Your Horoscopes Are About to Change

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Aquarius –

Your open-mindedness always serves you during retrogrades and communication breakdowns in general—but now more than ever. This retrograde, focus on your independence and intellectual side. Take a class, or deepen your knowledge on a subject that captures you. A yoga practice would be especially advantageous, as it plays to your strengths, making it enjoyable—as well as challenges you to look further into your emotions and attachments.

STYLECASTER | Mercury Retrograde Is Moving Into Cancer, Which Means Your Horoscopes Are About to Change

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Pisces –

You may feel a little “off” this retrograde, Pisces. As someone especially sensitive to planetary alignment, your intuition and art may feel just meh, or slightly wrong. This confusion can lead to malaise or just the general crappiness of feeling in a funk. Avoid escapism through social media and other superficial connections and learn to live with yourself in a healthy way when everything seems slightly misaligned. Even just going through the motions can help us find our way back to happiness and ourselves.

As always, check your rising and moon signs for more specifics on how this Mercury retrograde in Cancer might affect you. We’ll all make it through, sweet signs. We always do!

Love, love, love.

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