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Colourful Valentines!

I thought a bunch of colourful skittles would look cool for a bright Valentine's Day mani, and like that it's not the typical pink and reds either!  Here's what I came up with!

Started with a base of skittles; starting from thumb and going clockwise, Pretty Serious Hootenanny, Rave, All-Nighter, Sugar Cakes and Morgan Taylor Go for The Glow; all two coats, no top coat.

Added a coat of Black Dahlia Lacquer Double Kill, no top coat.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Different lighting; you see the colours in the flakies a bit more.

Stamped using Born Pretty - Valentine's Day - S001 using Painted Polish Blanc Slate.

Born Pretty Valentine's Day S001

Topped with a coat of KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

 Thanks for looking!

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