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Happy New Year 2019!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! ✧٩(•́⌄•́๑)و ✧

I went back to my new year post from 2018 to see what I have set for my new year resolutions and I'm proud to say that I have actually accomplished some of my new year resolutions. In the year of 2018, I smiled more, laughed more, loved myself more and did more of things that made me happy. I prioritize putting myself and my own happiness first and became a much happier person than I was in 2017. Although there were still the moment of time when I felt stressed and a bit lost in what I wanted to do in my life but I managed to get through and get myself back on track again. 

Taking a long deserved vacation to Japan all by myself was one of the best highlight of my year in 2018. I spent a lot of time by myself and also learned a lot about myself as well. It was vacation where I was able to totally feel relaxed, free, and to just be myself and unwind from all the emotional stress I had been suffering from for the last 3 years. Coming back from my trip, I was able to feel refreshed, charged, and motivated to pick up my life again.

In 2019, my new year resolutions would be to continue to smile more, laugh more and love myself more. I also want to focus on getting my health back on track again. I joined a gym in November and have a set a goal to workout at the gym at least 3-4 times a week. I also want to try new things and challenge myself more as well as staying focused on achieving and accomplishing bigger things in life. Saving up to buy a condo and move out to live by myself. Plan and take action on doing things that I have set my mind on and actually start doing them and worry less about the outcome. But the most important is to just stay happy and healthy! 

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