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Mi hai sicuramente preso in giro, proprio dall'inizio

A summer visitor - a Hummingbird Hawk Moth on the beautiful Phlox in the extensive gardens here at Dolores Delargo Towers

We love our new home. We love our garden. We love our parties and get-togethers. But, all that aside, there is little we love more here at Dolores Delargo Towers than to stumble across a new Diva!

And, thanks the the eternal meanderings of Madam Arcati across the interwebs, we have another.

Milva (for it is she) - nick-named La Rossa (Italian for "The Redhead") by her adoring public - has had a career spanning seven decades, as an internationally-renowned singer and actress, collaborating with the likes of Ennio Morricone, Mikis Theodorakis and Francis Lai.

She has gained a reputation not only in her native Italy but also in Germany and France for her specialism in chanson, tango, and "songs of the outsider" - including the music of Brecht and Weill, such as this one...

She is simply fantabulosa!

Cento di questi giorni, Signorina Maria Ilva Biolcati (aka Milva, born 17th July 1939)!

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