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A follower button, a damp day and facing what I've been dreading..

Hi folks,

I've finally got around to adding in a follower button.
I was loathe to do this after the last blog.  I
 had over a thousand followers when the free blog address was offered for purchase to me.  
I stupidly told someone I trusted and it was bought from under me. 
Four years of blogging; photos; recipes; ideas; my life before, through and after the breakdown charted; my followers: gone.

I didn't blog for nearly 18 months before I started this one up.
I've had contact from a few people who read regularly, and a few others who've 'found' me in this new home.

So click to follow if you'd like to. 
I'm just happy I'm blogging again, and glad to get written supportive messages from folk.

It's damp and misty today.
A perfect day for a quick visit to the Post Office to get the weekend's eBay sales sent off.
One to Switzerland, one to Hong Kong!
It's fab to think of our little bits and bobs going to make other folk happy for a few pennies.
This week there are patterns and pattern books on there from 1950s to the modern day, and I'm about to start on my wool stash and collection of vintage material.
I can't take it all with me when I move, so it's all going on the online shop before heading to the charity shop.

Finally, I'm starting to face what I've been dreading.
The chick flying the nest.
GD moving out.
But it's not just GD moving out.
It's GD and her new hubby plus the two babies.
They've been here every day, every morning, every bathtime.
And it's going to be very, very quiet..

More later,

FM x

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