Today was a free day- no appointments and no grandchildren - so I wrote out my to do list with more on it than I usually try to get done in one day. Surprisingly and happily, I got it all done my mid afternoon.
Scratching through completed jobs on a to do list is almost as satisfying as finishing a job.
Scratching through completed jobs on a to do list is almost as satisfying as finishing a job.
This is a not a common sight in laundry rooms- empty baskets ! But that won't last too long....
The biggest job today was mowing and edging the front and back yard. Cooler temperatures and a nice breeze made this job easier. Here are the jumbo zinnias in the front flower bed - but please just look at the pretty flowers and ignore the grass growing around them, the weeds flat got away from me from this year.
The biggest job today was mowing and edging the front and back yard. Cooler temperatures and a nice breeze made this job easier. Here are the jumbo zinnias in the front flower bed - but please just look at the pretty flowers and ignore the grass growing around them, the weeds flat got away from me from this year.
I also made a quick trip into Ulta to get some hair products my daughter in law recommended
And changed my Jamberry nail stickers. This is my second time applying them and I really like them but there is a bit of learning curve involved. The second time was much easier and faster than the first.
Supper will be leftovers from Sunday along with some fresh tomatoes and cottage cheese so that meal won't take much time.
I also got out this sampler and zigzagged the edge of the linen so it won't fray while I stitch it. I plan to start stitching it this evening.
I am already thinking about tomorrow's list. Clipping and filing yesterday's coupons will be on it as well as straightening the 3 extra bedrooms and bathrooms.
I hope you have had a productive Monday too!
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