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James Kelsey: in the misty moonlight dean martin

Hey pallies, likes we found one more stunnin'ly 'n sweetly simple animation of a Dino-croon by Mr. James Kelsey, and likes we do indeed trust that it is his very first attempt at homagin' our most beloved Dino with a  vid creation.  This time Kelsey has our Dino with his omnipresent cigarette in hand croon of his greatest of great hits...."In The Misty Moonlight" and then closin' with a few bars of our Dino's coolest of cool croon ever, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime.

While Kelsey's work is what we woulda consider "low technology" it is high in it's efforts of showin' his deepest of deep, his purest of pure, and his truest of true devotion  to our Dino.  It gives us likes just such a Dino-high to be able to shares with Dino-holics everywhere the ever increasin' ways that pallies like Kelsey have for hugely hugely homagin' our King of Cool.

Likes, we 'gain salute Mr. James Kelsey for his considerable efforts in the cause of spreadin' Dino-love, here, there, and everywhere!  Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

in the misty moonlight dean martin
james kelsey

Published on Feb 8, 2013

deano croons

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