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Reminiscing About Past Artwork

Sometimes you are just too busy with life,
to be carrying your camera and creating new posts.
So I thought that I would just take you on 
a little trip down memory lane.
There are a lot of little white spots on these photos,
they came from my scanner screen.
These snap shots were taken about twelve years ago.

Notice the portrait of Steve.
I did sketches of him at the helm of our
Wazapan . . . 
then came home and painted this. 

More paintings.

At the easel.

I love old Spanish Architecture.

This is a mural that I was commissioned to paint 
in the master bedroom of a new home.
What they didn't tell me before I took the job,
was that the carpet (white) was already laid.
This made Connie a very nervous gal.

I hope that you enjoyed my little trip down memory lane.

Have a great day :)

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