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Watching the waves

As we move into our second week of living in a new location our new favourite past time has been to watch the waves. 

We are used to the relatively calm bay of Weymouth 20 miles along the coast, and the waves by West Bay seem huge in comparsion, especially when the winds increase as they did mid-week!

In stormy conditions you can really appreciate the power of the sea and feel how challenging it must be at times out on the ocean waves.

On Saturday morning the sea had returned to a calm state, and it was wonderful to wander along the  sandy beach, with the waves this time gently lapping the shore. These pictures haven't been altered the colours really were this bright!

In the harbour the boats colours and shapes were reflected in the water. At the weekend many of the boats were pulled out of the water for the winter. We stayed and watched this well organised operation. It made the task look so simple and the boats so light!

 I still can't get used to passing the harbour and seeing the boats bobbing in the water every time we go out in the car!

The boat hire by the river on the other side of the harbour was still under water following the heavy rain we received.We will have to wait until next summer before trying this. Based on our skills of rowing it is likely to turn into an adventure!

I am still not managing to keep up to date with getting around to visit everyone. Thank you as always for your lovely comments. Wishing you a good week.
 Sarah x

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