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Building an old-school group

So now that I'm settling into my new position, getting into a routine, I have some breathing room to get back into my writing and, hopefully, gaming. Lamentably, I'm fairly certain my old Wilderlands group will never meet again on any regular basis due to schedule conflicts and time constraints on all the players' parts, so that means its time to found a new group.

Now, the last two long-term groups I was in happened via serendipity it would seem. In one case, I walked into a game store on while a group happened to be playing, sat down and joined them on a lark, and continued to do so for five years or so. The other group came about from a group of boardgamers who felt like trying something different one night (microlite20), and kept doing so, almost unintentionally, on a regular basis, switching over to Swords & Wizardry at some point.

So its been a while since I had to actively promote and/or seek out a group of gamers!

I figured I'd share the process with you, the old school blogosphere.

Step One - Seek out an existing group and join!

This should be the easiest way to get back to gaming, so I spent some time last week trying to locate an existing old-school group to join. I visited 3 local game stores, looking for the traditional pi-board ads, hopeful of having a plethora of old-school groups to choose from.

What was I thinking?

None of the stores even had a pin-board. Does no one do this anymore? Maybe everything is on-line now?

I did some on-line detective work and was able to locate a thriving local community of gamers, 500 plus!. All playing 4E, Pathfinder, 3E, or other games. No old-school D&D at all.


By yesterday, I was pretty sure I would just have to start my own group, meaning I have to a) pick a system to run, and b) find players.

More to come.

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