Quick throwback to 3 years ago when I started this blog!
And…back to the present. People always have lots to say when this new beginning rolls around. A chance to start fresh, be productive, and to reinvent your image. I say, scrap it. The world seems to be in agreement that 2016 was the closest we’ve been to hell on earth. However, life is just a continuation. Unless you’re one of those cute, little babies with a January 1, 2017 birthday, nothing much has really changed.
Here's to more blurry pictures and good times |
For as many people read this blog, this post is as much to hold myself accountable as to give advice to the world from my point of you. Here’s the big idea: don’t change, just be a better you. That doesn’t mean you need to go on a juice cleanse and hit up the gym more, or put a little more effort in getting ready, or even reading double the usual amount of books. I’m just saying take care of yourself a little more.
Capture the moment with Fujifilm Instax camera |
Here’s where to start- do something for youeach day. That’s it! Nothing more, nothing less. And if you’re curious here’s my plan. After a bleak outlook on life, I’d like to smile more and feel content. On days that I’m super busy I want to take 30 minutes to myself. This will give me time to read a chapter in a good book, try a new facemask, or chat with friends on the phone for example. I came across a piece of advice the other day saying to not save things for a special occasion. I think that’s important because it gives you the ability to make each and every day “special.” So, college lookout! I’m wearing that new lipstick just to clean my room.
What works for you?
Xx, Alaina
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