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Military Syndromes , Part 2

Hello Everyone,

 Please read the previous part of this post here

  The Texas Tower Syndrome comes into play a sniper starts shooting and he can't stop. It just feels so good--such an overwhelming sense of power--that he can't turn it off when there are no more legitimate targets left. He'll continue to shoot anyone in sight. It is a very real compulsion.

Munich Massacre Syndrome:
      A sniper spends most of his time watching. Observing. Getting to know his targets. Through his high-power spotting scope. He sees them when they smile, and sneeze, and eat a sandwich, and get drowsy, and as they manifest all the other little things that identify each of us as uniquely human.

 As the sniper spends hour after hour observing his targets through his spotting scope, he gets to know the people he is watching as human beings and he becomes intimate with them. And then, when the
order to shoot is given, he can't do it. He can't kill these people he has come to know; these people who are no threat to his life.

Olympic rings, Olympic symbol, terrorist threat olympics
 Olympic Rings

  At the Munich Olympics massacre in 1972, When the order was given to shoot the Black September terrorists who had taken eleven Israeli athletes hostage, the German police sharpshooters couldn't pull the trigger. They had observed the hostage-takers for such a long time, and developed such a sense of empathy for them, they couldn't bring themselves to kill people they felt they now knew. The terrorists were then able to kill the Israeli Olympic athletes under their control.

 with warm regards

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