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Liebster Award

I will begin this post by thanking Bella from Miss Bella Blog for nominating me for the Liebster award! I had heard of the Liebster Award while ago when I was surfing through beauty blogs so I was so excited when I received a tweet from Bella saying she had nominated me. The award is given to blogs with less than 200 followers to help to spread the word for smaller blogs and meet some new people within the blogging community. 

The rules:
1. Post the award on your blog.
2. Thank the blogger who presented this award and link back to their blog.
3. Write 11 random facts about yourself.
4. Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees 11 questions
5. Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and who have less than 200 followers.

11 Random Facts About Me:

1. I have an identical twin sister called Hollie and couldn't ask for a more amazing sister! We have all the same interests and she is my best friend as well as my twin. 

2. I am currently the Social Media Intern at the make-up brand Illamasqua and I am loving every minute of it. I am completing this as part of my placement year at Bournemouth University where I study Business Studies. 

3. I have a fear of dogs which started when a Labrador jumped in my pram when I was a baby!

4. I LOVE fancy dress (probably because I love getting dressed up and putting on some funky make-up).In the collage below are photos of me dressed as a butterfly from earlier this year. 

5. If I had to choose one colour of lipstick to wear for the rest of my life it would 100% be a dark pink shade as pink is my favourite colour. 

6. My biggest make-up inspiration comes from Pixiwoo. I watch all their tutorials and have picked up lots of tips from them. 

7. My favourite scent is coconut and I love bath and body products with a coconut smell!

8. As well as painting my nails, which you all know I love, I like to paint things to decorate my room. My latest creation was the box shown in the collage below, which you might recognise as my blog and social media title backgrounds are made from this design!

9. It might be hard to believe looking at me now, but when I was younger I used to be a tom boy and my favourite colour was blue! How things have changed haha!

10. I love big lashes and would do anything for my natural lashes to be longer!

11. My biggest beauty collection would have to be my nail varnishes because of my love for nail art! Here are just some of them ... WOOPS

 The Questions I Was Given:

1. What are your favourite accessories?
My number one favourite accessorie would have to be bracelets. I am also loving a fur colour (fake fur of course) at the moment to put around my leather jacket/ winter coat.   

2. What is your favourite time of year?
This is tricky! I love summer because of the weather and being out doors more but then I also love winter because my birthday is in December and I love Christmas. 

3. What is your favourite animal?
This is easy for me! Elephants have always been my favourite animal and I would love to go travelling just to ride on an elephants back! 

4. What is your favourite quote?
My favourite quote comes from Bobbi Brown 'I believe that all women are pretty without makeup - and can be pretty powerful with the right makeup' because I love the confidence makeup gives me. 

5. What is your favourite flower?
I love any flower that is pink! And I also really like daisies and daffodils as they remind me of summer.  

6. What is your favourite nail varnish?
This is SOOO tricky! If I had to choose one nail varnish I loved I think it would be Illamasqua Harem because I don't own any other shade like it!

7. What is your favourite beauty brand ? - high end and high street
Well I'm slightly biased but my favourite high end beauty brand would be Illamasqua. As well as interning for them I do honestly love their products! My favourite high street brand would be Rimmel and their stay matte powder is one of my holy grail make-up products!

8. What would you like to be able to do that you can't do at the moment?
I wish I was better at make-up. I normally stick to a smoky eye as that is what I know best, but I would love to experiment more and learn some new make-up skills!

9. Pastel or neon colours?
ohhhh I love both!! If I had to choose one I would probably say pastel because they're really girly and wearable. 

10. What is your favourite T.V show?
I am a bit of a lover of reality TV so my favourite would have to be TOWIE closely followed by Made in Chelsea!

11. What is your favourite blog posts to read?
Tutorial posts would have to be my favourite. I love seeing how other people create nail art and make-up looks themselves! 

11 Questions for My Nominees:

1. If you could use one beauty product for the rest of your life what would it be?
2. If you could invent a totally new beauty product what would it be?
3. What are your personal favourite blog posts to write?
4. What is your all time favourite beauty brand?
5. What is your current favourite make-up look?
6. Do you prefer make-up, skincare or hair care?
7. What inspired you to start blogging?
8. What is on your Christmas wishlist?
9. What is your dream job?
10. What is your favourite way to style your hair?
11. What is your number 1 beauty tip?

My Nominees...

I may have cheated slightly and only chosen 5 nominees:

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