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Cowboy Legacy -- Early Montana schools

The photo above of Lydia (Brown) Bailey's 1905 souvenir from Cayuse Prairie School must have been akin to the modern day yearbook.  The extraordinary thing about this souvenir is that it lists all of the Brown siblings: Stella 17, Lydia 14, Olive Brown 12, Emma 9, and Alonzo 7.

The photo above was taken at Cayuse Prairie School (in Creston, Montana) about 1905.  Grandma is second from the left in the front row (wearing a gingham check dress).

This photo of Cayuse Prairie School gives you a pretty good idea of how it got its name--minus the cayuse.  That's the outhouse at the far left of the photo.

A few years later grandma's sister Stella was the teacher at yet another rural Montana school somewhere near Kalispell.

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