It is very chilly but the sun is shining. I am going to get done what have to and then work in the yard. It has to warm up a little. I want to get the rest of the bark laid and plant what transplants I have laid out. We bought a new gas trimmer but I fear it is too heavy for me. I will try it again as I hate the way hub's trims. The garden needs to be hoed but it is too wet and muddy right now. Things need to dry out a bit and they never get a chance with this incessant rain.
Although the shop is super full and I could sew like a mad woman I just need a break. So I will steam the one dress that needs to go out today and then see where that takes me. I hope it takes me outside:)
Went to Albertson's last night to get all my free stuff. Over 40.00 in groceries all things that I will use. They also have whole chickens for .69 a lb and I need to stock up. Will do that maybe tonight.
There are donuts upstairs ( free at Albertsons) and they are calling my name....
Have a great and productive day!
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